
Edinburgh Crystal

The company is over 130 years old, the process centuries older. Each piece is hand blown, the design cut using diamond-impregnated wheels, and finally polished to a brilliant clarity and lustre. As many as 33 pairs of hands may have helped to create it, so you can take pleasure in the way it looks, the way it feels and the way it helps make the moment special.

Clear cut elegance - from Edinburgh Crystal.


A beautifully balanced design with finely cut bases, tall stems, stylish shapes and a pattern inspired by the great, silvery river that links the cities of Perth and Dundee.


Perhaps the most characteristic of Edinburgh Crystal designs, and certainly the most famous. Beautifully cut and engraved on unique shapes, all based on the Scottish thistle, and largely unchanged for more than a century. Great to handle and a pleasure to own.


Light and delicate, with a finely cut pattern curving around the base and rising to a stylishly simple, plain rim. Skye is a classic, long-stemmed design named after the most famous of Scottish islands.


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